From the

Nashville, Tenn. (February 25, 2016) – Today, Tennessee Democratic Party chair Mary Mancini released a statement explaining why Governor Haslam endorsed Sen. Rubio.

“With his record of failure, Governor Haslam’s decision to endorse another politician with a record of failure makes perfect sense. When it comes to the things that matter most to Tennesseans, Governor Haslam has failed. He failed to pass Insure Tennessee and left more than 300,000 Tennesseans without access to quality, affordable healthcare. He failed to raise the minimum wage. He failed to keep our state government efficient and accountable to the public. And, he has spent his entire tenure caving to his millionaire and billionaire friends while ignoring ordinary Tennesseans. Given this record, it’s no surprise that Governor Haslam has chosen Sen. Marco Rubio, a candidate whose campaign has been desperately trying to hide his own lack of actual accomplishments, as his candidate for President.”